First frost of the season possible tonight in some areas

By on Mon, October 25, 2010

The National Weather Service says that a combination of clear skies, light winds, and cool temperatures could lead to the first frost of the season in some locations. The alert is primarily for the North Bay, but includes parts of San Mateo County.

Highway 84 closed from Skyline to Old La Honda Road

Breaking news

By on Mon, October 25, 2010

The Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services reports that Highway 84 is closed from Skyline Blvd. (Highway 35) westbound to Old La Honda Road. There is a utility pole down in the roadway. Highway 35 is unaffected by the closure. The estimated to reopen the road is approximately 4 hours.

Gray Squirrels on the Coastside?


By on Mon, October 25, 2010

I grew up in Palo Alto / Menlo Park area and was used to seeing Gray Squirrels almost daily.  They would strip our walnut and almond trees, chew the telephone and electric lines, and to this day wreak havoc in general on the peninsula.

I moved to the Coast in 1986, and hadn’t seen a single Gray Squirrel until a few days ago, running along the top of my fence in my yard here in Montara. Has anyone else seen them around?  Have they been here all the time and I’ve just missed seeing them?

Looking forward to hearing what local folks have to say.


Weather spotter training, Thurs


By on Sat, October 23, 2010

The National Weather Service will offer a Weather Spotter training session at Half Moon Bay’s Adcock Center, Thursday Oct 28 at 7:30 pm.

The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network is also looking for volunteers. It’s a nationwide program started up a few years ago to supply rain and snow reports from a wide variety of locations. They would like to have reports from locations on a mile grid, so we need another dozen on the Coastside. Especially since we have so many micro climates along the coast. The whole idea is to gather daily readings of rain, hail and snow to try to understand how this varies across small areas. There are over 10,000 volunteers nationwide. The training is all on-line at their web site:

They say that the info is used by professional meteorologists. Volunteers report in once a day when they are available. They use simple, inexpensive identical rain gauges so the data is comparable everywhere.

We definitely need a lot more folks in San Mateo County.

Video: “I want the Big Wave project!”


By on Sat, October 23, 2010

Chart: Big Wave EIR preparation time vs. public’s time to review

By on Sat, October 23, 2010

Celebrate the opening of the Seal Cove Stairs, Wednesday

Click to enlarge
Press release

By on Fri, October 22, 2010

This is a big deal.  A previously perilous climb down a crumbling cliff is now a beautiful staircase, providing outstanding access to a beautiful beach in the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve.  Whether you come to the event, you should try out the new stairs.

Supervisor Gordon’s Coastside office hours, Thurs

By on Fri, October 22, 2010

Supervisor Rich Gordon’s office will be hosting office hours on Thursday, October 28 from 10am until Noon at the Sheriff’s Coastside Substation in Moss Beach.

MCC special meeting: Big Wave site viewing, comments for hearing


By on Fri, October 22, 2010

There will be a special MCC Meeting,  Monday, October 25, 2010, 7:30pm at the Granada Sanitary District Office (504 Avenue Alhambra, Third Floor, El Granada) to review comments on the Big Wave Project.  For further information on the project go to the MCC Home Page and MCC Big Wave Information Page.

For those interested in viewing the Big Wave Project site, contact MCC Chair Neil MerrileesThis weekend on Saturday and Sunday afternoon, Neil is available to lead tours to view the Big Wave site from points along Pillar Ridge and the road to Pillar Point.

Big Wave story poles up; Next hearing Weds, Oct 27

Image credit Lisa Ketcham
Big Wave project viewed from intersection of Stanford and Airport in Princeton.
Image credit Lisa Ketcham
Four of the eight proposed office buidlings viewed from Airport Street toward Pillar Ridge mobile home community. Note the relative size of single-story mobile homes in the distance.
Image credit Lisa Ketcham
Wellness center viewed from West Point Ave. auxilliary parking lot.
Image credit Lisa Ketcham

By on Fri, October 22, 2010

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story had in incorrect date for the meeting.

The story poles for some of the Big Wave buildings have gone up in advance of next Wednesday’s hearing on the Final Environmental Impact report.  Lisa Ketcham photographed the the structures and enhanced them to make the more visible in these photos. Lisa says, "The middle 4 office buildings are represented by tape laid out on the ground.  There’s no indication of the other sections of Wellness Center."

FEIR hearing on Big Wave: Oct 27, 6 p.m. at El Granada School.

Lennie Roberts of the Committee for Green Foothills sent us the following update on Wednesday’s hearing:

The hearing on October 27 is not just on the FEIR but also the Planning Commission will be considering approval of the entire project - other necessary actions to approve include:

  • Use Permit for the developmentally disabled adult housing that they have to call a "sanitarium" because housing is not an allowable use in the Waterfront Zoning District
  • Major Subdivision for the Office Park (into 10 parcels)
  • Coastal Development Permit for 8 Office Park buildings with 640 parking spaces,  2 Wellness Center buildings with 50 parking spaces, a mutual water service company, and a community wastewater treatment and recycling system
  • Design Review Permit for the structures and grading
  • Off-Street Parking Exception to allow 640 parking spaces where 737 are required
  • Grading Permit for 26,000 cubic yards
  • Development Agreement that allows the applicants 20 years to complete the project


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