Sheriff’s blotter, May 2

By on Wed, May 7, 2014

500 block of Silver Ave HMB
13700PC- Domestic incident
Domestic disturbance

Venice Beach HMB
647(F)PC-Public intoxication849(B)(2)PC-Released from custody
Deputy dispatched to welfare check of subject who looked “out of it”. The subject was found on a bench along the Coastside trail, and appeared to be under the influence of synthetic marijuana. He was determined to be unable to care for himself and was arrested and transported to SM County Jail, to be released when sober.
Male age 19 of HMB

500 block of Kelly HMB
Misdemeanor warrant
A subject wanted on a misdemeanor warrant came to the substation where he was cited and released on his promise to appear.
Male age 42 of HMB

Coastside dancer is a finalist in Beach Blanket Babylon’s Scholarship For The Arts


By on Tue, May 6, 2014

Coastside Shely Pack Dancer JP Viernes is named as finalist in Beach Blanket Babylon’s Scholarship For The Arts For 2014!

Hopefully, This Will Be Shely Pack Dancers Third Win In This Competition. The Winner Receives A Scholarship For $10,000.

Gulf of the Farallones Exploration: Alcatraz seabirds, May 31

By on Tue, May 6, 2014

Spindrift Dance Company presents The Monster Within, May 16 & 17

Press release

By on Mon, May 5, 2014

Join some of Spindrift’s most talented and dedicated dancers as they make their company debut on the Terra Nova Theatre stage. This year’s production is an all-youth dance performance exploring what truly makes a monster.

From Medusa to the Banshee, the Nightmare Before Christmas to the Hunchback of Notre Dame, the haunting stories you know and love are brought to life through dance.

Terra Nova Theatre
1450 Terra Nova Blvd., Pacifica, CA

Friday,  May 16th @ 7:00 PM
Saturday, May 17th @ 7:00 PM

Tickets $15, Call (650)738-8648
Free to Oceana Students w/Stundent ID

Puente de la Costa Sur donations matched today and tomorrow

By on Mon, May 5, 2014

Donations to Puente de la Costa Sur will be eligible for matching funds up to $35,000 from Silicon Valley Gives on May 6 Day of Giving.

The web page is open now and any donations made today will be added tomorrow.

Puente is the only community resource center on the South Coast and the only organization in San Mateo County that focuses primarily on agricultural workers and their families.

Coastal erosion plan workshop, Tuesday, May 20

Image credit Barry Parr
Surfers Beach at Coronado Avenue

By on Mon, May 5, 2014

There will be a public workshop as part of the process of creating a Coastal Regional Sediment Management Plan for the 75 miles of coast from Pillar Point to Moss Landing, the Santa Cruz Littoral Cell. More information on the process can be found on the state’s website.

The workshop is being hosted by the U.S. Geological Survey. The goals of the workshop are to

  • Describe erosion issues affecting ocean beaches and coastal infrastructure, such as parking lots, highways, structs, storm drains, and sewage outfall.
  • Solicit public comments on plan concepts

Tuesday May 20 from 6 to 8pm
Half Moon Bay Yacht Club
214 Princeton Avenue, Princeton

RSVP to brand Damitz or 415.259.5766.


Coastside beach closures, April 30

San Vicente Creek at Fitzgerald Marine Preserve

By on Mon, May 5, 2014

The following locations had elevated levels of indicator bacteria and are posted with warning signs:

Ocean Beaches

  • Pillar Point #9 (Outer Harbor)

Other Locations

  • San Vicente Creek (at Fitzgerald Marine Reserve)


Songbird & Seabird Workshop and Walk, Saturday, May 10

White-crowned Sparrow at Wavecrest
Press release

By on Mon, May 5, 2014

Coastside Land Trust and world-renowned birder Alvaro Jaramillo present Songbirds & Seabirds of the Coastside on Saturday, May 10 through an entertaining workshop and guided bird walk. The workshop will focus on behavior, field marks, ecology, and migratory patterns of local birds and take place at Senior Coastsiders’ new venue on Main Street. The walk will allow you to experience the birds in person through small group guided tours of Coastside Land Trust’s coastal prairie open space at wavecrest. Tickets to the workshop and walk are sold separately and must be purchased in advance.

Saturday May 10, 1–2:30pm
Senior Coastsiders (925 Main Street, HMB)
Tickets must be purchased in advance here.
$20 limited availability

Saturday May 10, 3–5pm
Wavecrest Open Space, meet at Smith Field Ballparks
Tickets must be purchased in advance here.
$20 limited availability

Sheriff’s blotter, April 28

By on Mon, April 28, 2014

3100 block of CloverdalePescadero
Outside agency assist
Deputy dispatched to assist an outside law enforcement agency serve a warrant on a subject that resides in Pescadero. The man was taken into custody without incident.

4100 block of N. Cabrillo HMB
23152(A)VC-23152(B)VC-DUIMisdemeanor warrants14601.1(A)VC-Drive with suspended license
Deputy on patrol observed vehicle driving to the far right of the lane, over the fog lines, and with expired registration. The Deputy performed a traffic stop and found the driver appeared to be intoxicated, wanted on two warrants, and driving on a suspended license. She failed field sobriety tests and was arrested and transported to First Chance.
Male age 23 of HMB

N Cabrillo @ San Mateo Rd HMB
243(E)(1)PC-Battery on spouse273A(A)PC-Child endangerment
Deputies responded to report of domestic violence in progress, when the reporting party witnessed a man slamming a female driver’s head into a windshield, while the couple was driving with two young children in the vehicle. Deputies located the suspect vehicle and observed the male pushing the victim’s head against the window. The victim had no visible injuries or complaints of pain, and the suspect denied hitting the woman, however the children in vehicle verified the reporting party’s account of domestic violence. The suspect was arrested and transported to SM County Jail.
Male age 21 of HMB

400 block of Grove HMB
Found property
Found property report

300 block of Capistrano Rd Princeton
647(F)PC- Public intoxication 849(B)(2)PC- Released from custody
Deputy on patrol observed female subject lying face down in front of the entrance to a bar. The woman was determined to be too intoxicated to care for herself, and was arrested and transported to SM County Jail, to be released when sober.
Female age 48 of Pacifica

2300 block of Carlos Ave Moss Beach
DUI turnover
Deputy dispatched to report of reckless driver who was passing on both sides and driving off the shoulder of the road. The Deputy did a traffic stop and found the driver appeared to be intoxicated. CHP arrived on scene to complete the DUI investigation and subsequent arrest.

HMB beach cleanup Saturday, volunteers needed


By on Thu, April 24, 2014

The Pacifica Beach Coalition and its entire team of dedicated volunteers are proud to support a new beach cleanup at Pillar Point and hope you will join the efforts to make a difference at this location.

From the sea walls covered with plastic bags to the shoreline full of styrofoam and the to-go lunches forgotten on the beach, a cleanup is desperately needed and your help is more than ever desired.

Please join us at Pillar Point Harbor’s Beach every last Saturday of the month, from 9 to 11am:

  • Saturday, July 26
  • Saturday, June 28
  • Saturday, May 31

Park at the south east end of the Pillar Point harbor parking lots, walk across to the coastal path and meet us near the RV park, where you will find a check in table and supplies.

To help us reduce waste, please bring your own buckets and gloves if you have them. We will have plenty of supplies should you need them.

Thank you and we hope to see you there as we work to build a connected group of volunteers who make a difference at Pillar Point!

For more information please check the websites for the Pacifica Beach Coalition and Half Moon Bay Beach Cleanup.


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