Comments by Carl May

Coastal Commission faces budget cuts

August 04, 2008
It's always worth a smile when the people who cheer on cuts at the Coastal Commission are the same ones who complain about delays on various matters at the Commission. Extend foot, aim, fire! Carl May

Just the facts: Where’s the water for CCWD?

July 02, 2008
Mr. Gardner: Why an intertie with the NCCWD? You say "and only use the water when we need it." Do they have extra water they would like to send south? It would be great of you to tell us how NCCWD is avoiding all the problems that go with all the other agencies now staring Hetch Hetchy infrastructure upgrade costs and maxed-out supply from the Tuolumne River in the face? What volume of water is sustainably available that would justify the cost of an intertie, including the pumping operation that…

Letter: Alternatives to July 4th fireworks?

July 01, 2008
Don't recall the picnic, but that doesn't mean there wasn't one. I do remember there was usually a good party on Romeo's Pier at the harbor that anyone could crash. Also, a local crowd would often hang out at the Montara Inn on summer holidays.

Letter: Alternatives to July 4th fireworks?

July 01, 2008
It makes me feel really old to mention it, but some years ago we had our own community parade on the 4th in Montara.

Opinion: Water from Devil’s Slide for MWSD: What are the facts?

June 28, 2008
Mr. Gardner, I assume those who want to take over the MWSD for their own purposes will have many conversations with Paul and other members of our MWSD board. The several of you repeatedly attacking the board obviously have a communication problem with them, one that prevents you from understanding the answers already provided by them and by district printed materials and websites. But instead of non sequiturs, red herrings, and the like, do you have any answers to the questions I posed above? Numbers…

Opinion: Water from Devil’s Slide for MWSD: What are the facts?

June 27, 2008
Paul seems to have been accommodated by Mr. Gardner's answers to his questions on the recreation money thread, but I am most certainly not. The interwoven and crucial nature of the factors involved require more than offhand "trust me" type replies. To wit: "The current yield of dewatering from the tunnel is in the range of 25-50 gallons per minute." So, is this meant to imply this snapshot is reliable for the long term? Is this one-time water that is now being drained off by the bores or is it from…

Opinion: $1,287,500 for recreation: use it or lose it!

June 26, 2008
PUDs have been more of a device of the City of Half Moon Bay, so maybe mention of them shows where someone's affinities lie? Here is one bit of an update on property in PUDs there:

Opinion: $1,287,500 for recreation: use it or lose it!

June 26, 2008
Adequate services are being rendered by MWSD. It is misleading to suggest additional ready water sources exist when they don't to anyone's knowledge. Consolidating away the MWSD and thus moving the district out from under the control of a responsible board is a developer's pipe dream, nothing more. So LAUGHCo voted for it. Yawn. How surprising. Because it is now the only government the citizens of Montara and Moss Beach can call their own and the only government directly responsible to those citizens,…

Half Moon Bay negotiating its surrender in Sacramento

June 26, 2008
Yes, indeed, HMB will be reminded of a truly stupid and weakly negotiated settlement with their favorite developer from over the hill. But the language in the settlement is what Mullin copied into AB 1991. Any altered bill will not conform to the settlement. So Keenan would have to agree to the terms of the altered bill, or the bill will mean nothing as far as he is concerned. More likely, an altered or new bill will grant some specific relief to HMB from the consequences of mistakes it made without…

AB1991 hearing delayed until next week

June 24, 2008
Anneliese et al., In an action dated yesterday but not showing up until today on the Legislature's website, it looks like the hearing for AB 1991 by the Senate Local Government Committee has been cancelled once again at the request of the author (Mullin). I have no knowledge of why. All sorts of lobbying and other stuff going on. Your list of the members of the Local Government Committee is the one I get from the Legislature's site. Note that Kehoe and Machado are also on the Natural Resources and…

AB1991 hearing delayed until next week

June 23, 2008
Just two days to go until the State Senate's Local Government Committee hears AB 1991 on June 25. For those who have not seen it, here is a link to the Local Government Committee's staff analysis of the bill. It pretty much nails the precedent setting nature of the legislation. Please reinforce your opposition to the bill with Senator Yee and, more importantly, fax or call…

Landowners sue HMB, saying Oak Avenue Park is on their property

June 21, 2008
Wow, could it be that Mr. Muteff, he who readily assigns blame on behalf of all of us, is actually so channeled in his approach that he expects to get away with the most basic logical fallacies? In this thread, he attempts to pull off the "correlation equals causation" fallacy repeatedly. For those who never took a beginning philosophy or logic course, this might provide some quick help: The weirdness comes when the gaffe is pointed out, and the one making…

Landowners sue HMB, saying Oak Avenue Park is on their property

June 20, 2008
Muteff is acting weirdly. Does he, or does he not, know anything about the landowners and HMB's actual history with the Oak Avenue Park property? What are all these oblique references he makes? Are these facts? Do they have something to contribute to this discussion?

Landowners sue HMB, saying Oak Avenue Park is on their property

June 20, 2008
Muteff seems to be awestruck with Ferreira, ascribing all kinds of Svengali-like powers to him. But is anyone else asking what that has to do with the landowners and Oak Avenue Park? Presumably there are facts somewhere chronicling the status and handling of the property to the present.

HMB’s AB1991 representative Lanny Davis joins Fox News

June 20, 2008
But I see the hearing date remains for 06/25/08. I wouldn't trust that "cancelled" just yet. Without further clarificatin, it could mean the 6/18 date was cancelled, using that language instead of "postponed." A call to Yee's office should clear it up.

HMB’s AB1991 representative Lanny Davis joins Fox News

June 19, 2008
I know they are influential among people who slouch on their couches after work, with their eyeballs rolling down their face into their beer (love that line, wish it was mine), but are people trying to get actual news of what is going on in the world really relying that much on American corporate media, newspapers as well as TV? Outside the Internet, guess we're stuck with it for local and regional news, but do you folks really believe that stuff on the networks? If so, take two Noam Chomskys, go…

HMB’s AB1991 representative Lanny Davis joins Fox News

June 18, 2008
What about us local business people who don't shill for overdevelopment? Who point out that some local resources and infrastructure are already pushed past sustainable limits, making life here more trying than it needed to be? Who point out that with overpopulation, some of what was good in the past is no longer here, and some of what good is here now won't be here in the future? Who, in some cases, depend on the coastal values being destroyed by hit-and-run development and all the problems it brings…

Pants on fire

June 16, 2008
Just imagine how the North Wavecrest situation would have been different if a scum-bag legislator could have been found who would carry a total-exemption bill (from state laws and from the coastal zone). Mr. Hyman has already said, in response to his inability to meet any challenges to come up with solid information to back up the assertions he slings around, that he really doesn't care what the specifics are or what effect HMB's AB 1991 has on others as long as it works out for his parochial interests.…

Pants on fire

June 14, 2008
"With the double-referral of AB 1991, I hope the Senate Rules Committee will then send it on to the Senate Committee On Natural Resources And Water where it should have gone in the Assembly." Given the laws involved in the sweeping exemptions, the bill should be redirected to *both* the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee and the Senate Environmental Quality Committee. If both of these committees do not see the bill, important areas of AB 1991 will not be considered appropriately. Let Perata…

Local Government Committee passes AB1991—next stop: Appropriations Committee

June 14, 2008
"What’s more important to me and many others is the over-riding interest in not paying $18 million. That trumps the consequenses to other people elsewhere of this special bill." One of the more direct statements in defense of greed, selfishness, lack of concern for others, lack of concern for the future, disregard for laws, disregard for community, lack of concern for integrity, etc. (I'm getting tired), that I have seen in a long time. But it's quite characteristic of the blindered, money-lusting…

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