Comments by Kevin Barron
April 30, 2008
Thing are looking up for AB1991, as well as land owners not being bullied by environmental agencies banding together outside of their edicts.
April 30, 2008
"exemptions of the scope set forth in this bill from so many different statutes are unprecedented." let's provide disclosure on where this rhetoric came from... anyone notice the mention of "waiver of affordable housing".... me thinks the hypocrites of the coast would block this even more if this whole subdivision was allocated towards affordable housing. that's what POST if for.. lock in, errr lock out any development that requires "affordable" housing... also, i'm a bit validated on the mention…
April 30, 2008
Same theme I saw with the environmentalists showing up.
Same reason why someone on Clean Air showed up, yeah... let's send the would-be citizens to the East Bay, or better yet to the back of the LA Basin... that makes for much better air quality.
do all these hacks just rub each others backs to show numbers en force, like the plastering of logos on a posting here???
So far, so good on this bill.
April 30, 2008
This is no different than busing, feeding, then registering disenfranchised voters in Hunter's Point, nee Slick Willie Brown.
April 29, 2008
I saw the third gentlemen, and I certainly didn't think "transient". Regardless, this was immense cost on services, and these folks should be billed, whether they can afford now or later. We bill people thousands of dollars for other uses of inappropriate behavior and the taxing on services, but only because it's politically correct.
April 29, 2008
So what do you do with the battery when it no longer holds a charge?
April 28, 2008
Indeed, closed as of 4:30'ish... just got this:
April 28, 2008
The Beachwood subdivision... such a shame, but looks like the typical action/re-action that Steve indirectly refers to has bit back for once. And this was a hard bite. "Protect, conserve, restore, and enhance environmental and human-based resources of the California coast and ocean for environmentally sustainable and prudent use by current and future generations." This rhetoric and idealism has provided no-growth pundits to arm themselves with the CCC, Coastal Act, et. al. with this undeniable doctrine…
April 28, 2008
By the way, it was at the very very top of the Slide. I hope the person is ok. There was another gentlemen in a sling looking shaken up, but ok. The other, they were preparing the cables, lift and equipment.
April 28, 2008
Apologies here the site:
Can be a bit cryptic at times, but you see SO, HMB PD, CHP, and CalTrans inter-communication.
April 28, 2008
Actually Barry.. I just got home to check the CHP site... coming from Pacifica.. what I experience was one-lane traffic control. Likewise the CHP traffic site (what I live by, when I hear the sires) lists the situation as follows: Incident: 1344 Type: Provide Traffic Control Location: SR1 AT DEVILS SLIDE Zoom Map: 726 6F info as of: 4/28/2008 3:56:33 PM ADDITIONAL DETAILS 3:55PM 1039 DOTCC 3:47PM 1039 DOTCC 3:30PM REQ CHP FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL 3:30PM SO WORKING CLIFF RESCUE//BICYCLIST OVER EDGE
April 28, 2008
Fantastic pictures. Well done Christopher!
March 25, 2008
Not shocking... politicians patting each other on the back... a la the Lou Papan stretch of highway in Pacifica. I find it compelling that reps get lord knows what named after them, despite the plush-yet-mediocre job they seem to have/do. And that's not my opinion... Tom Lantos' own Congress, led by his own party, of which he was a 'senior' member of... has an approval rating of 19% ... over 1/3 lower than President Bush's approval rating... so where does that leave Lantos and his peers? There are…
March 06, 2008
For what it's worth... thinking it's now even two more years later since this posting...and Al Gore still won't debate publicly on anything he lays claim to (nor privately) any politician, scientist, or any lackey that he should be able to slaughter cerebrally (since after all he won the Nobel Prize on the subject). He's got some good stuff/intentions, but whom better to go head-to-head with proponents. Call me kooky, but something is still awfully awry here. Few find this odd, also given his senatorship…
February 25, 2008
Barry wrote: The starting salary for a Vallejo firefighter is about $70,000 a year, among the highest in the state. Ten firefighters earned more than $200,000 each last year, including overtime, city officials said. Once again, my point on the "overtime" racket that is going on in many districts across the state. What I find odd/compelling, is with so much overtime going on, and the golden opportunity for the media to latch on to a story of our safety being compromised by overworked emergency personnel...…
February 17, 2008
Even Ann Coulter says Hillary is more conservative than McCain.. interesting.
February 11, 2008
Growing up here, he was pretty much the only "regular" thing in local politics... mayors, state senators, US senators, etc... Term limits aside, would be good to see a summation of what exactly he did for almost 30 years for his district.
February 05, 2008
Additionally, I know quite a few firefighters, and have never heard one complain about their overtime. Only when they get pulled in to fight grass/forest fires, AKA work in difficult tiresome and dangerous conditions.
February 05, 2008
You see this in just about every fire district in the state, and it's getting worse. Why do you think THOUSANDS of people stand in lines for firefighting open requisitions? There always seems to be a perfect opportunity for overtime, as this graph illustrates... despite the criticality of the fire department, many are allowed to post ridiculous hours, not sure if there are restrictions on overtime... or what the issue is with scheduling, much less hiring one additional person. The base salary for…
November 11, 2007
Dennis well taken, but I'll caveat that with "as many folks as possible who understand what they are voting for." Voting is a right, not a privilege... but at the same time it is our civic duty to be informed of what we are voting on... It was easy to figure out the interface, but I found it odd as it just seemed very non-intuitive via making it idiot proof, flywheel aside. Not sure how much a flywheel helps over a touchscreen, much less dragging a pen across a broken arrow... but no need to go into…
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