Caltrans plans “punch-through” event at tunnel, Fri, Oct 1

By on Thu, September 23, 2010

Caltrans is planning an invitation-only event Friday, Oct 1 to mark the "punch-through" of the North Portal of the Devil’s Slide Tunnel.

AT&T withdraws cell tower application after packed MCC meeting


By on Thu, September 23, 2010

Since I posted my letter earlier this morning, it has come to my attention that AT&T’s decision to withdraw their El Granada #1 water tank cell tower application based on information from the CCWD—- the CCWD and AT&T agreed that it was in the best interest of everyone to withdraw the application from the San Mateo County Planning Department.  The CCWD and AT&T listened and HEARD the voicez of El Granada—- this is a big deal to me, my family, and my neighborz.  We thank the CCWD and AT&T for responding to our concernz and giving us a great reason to meet our neighborz!  Simon says, "StopTheCellTower and StartTheCelebrationParty!"

Five Bars & Five Stars For AT&T…  For Now…

Last night 77 members of the El Granada Neighborhood Action Group (EGNAG) filled the seats, filled the MCC boardroom, and filled the halls of Seton Medical Center in Moss Beach prepared to speak for improved cell phone reception on the coast but against the placement of cell towers in residential areas.

The EGNAGgers were well prepared having spoken at 2 other MCC meetings, the CCWD’s last meeting, writing several letters to local politicians and publications, and gathering over 700 signatures on their StopTheCellTower.Org petition.

However, before EGNAG had a chance to voice their agenda item, AT&T announced at the meeting that they were withdrawing their application for a 65-foot mono-pine cell tower in residential El Granada at the Granada #1 water tank on CCWD property.

The MCC boardroom was instantly filled with joy and relief from EGNAG.

AT&T noted that they listed and "heard" our EGNAG concerns and are planning a community outreach in October with the hopes of locating an appropriate cell tower site and improving cell reception on the coast.

EGNAG has been asking the CCWD to not only LISTEN but HEAR what the community is saying about cell towers in residential areas—- it is not yet clear if the CCWD assisted in AT&T "hearing" EGNAG’s concerns, but EGNAG is very grateful that the Granada #1 water tank application is being withdrawn and that AT&T HEARD our concerns—- hip-hip-hooray and "5 stars" and "5 bars" for AT&T, and "5 water-tanks" for the CCWD!

Thank you MCC for putting EGNAG on your agenda and HEARING us for the past few months—- "5 new coastside trails" for you!

Also, thank you EGNAGgers for your thousands of hours of community building work related to our StopTheCellTower efforts—- looking forward to your continued efforts during the October AT&T outreach and assisting them with options for non-residential alternative cell tower sites to improve cell reception on the Coastside.

Concerned El Granada Resident, Simon Streets

HMB woman killed in Willits collision Sunday

By on Wed, September 22, 2010

The Ukiah Daily Journal is reporting that Roberta Gault, 21, of Half Moon Bay, was killed Sunday night when her car collided head-on with another vehicle on Highway 101 north of Willits.

CHP Officer Erik Van Emmerik said Gault had been working at the Earthdance festival last weekend in Laytonville, and investigators thought she might have fallen asleep at the wheel.

Van Emmerik said the offical cause is still under investigation, and alcohol or drugs have not been ruled out as a cause. He said the CHP was unaware of any medical conditions Gault may have been suffering from that may have contributed.

Sheriff’s report, Sept 22

sheriff's badge

By on Wed, September 22, 2010

Sheriff’s deputies arrested a pair of auto burglars on Sept 19, and another car was broken and a computer stolen on Sept 21 in Princeton. A car’s brake line was cut in Moonridge. A suspect was arrested in El Granada graffiti incidents. There were the usual drug and drunkenness arrests, and this in Moss Beach:

Deputies were sent to investigate an incident involving cars being toilet papered. Unkind words were spelled out in toilet paper on the vehicles. Deputies photographed the vehicles and spoke to the victim who has a pretty good idea as to who may have done this.


Coastside tagger arrested

Zach Ayers

By on Wed, September 22, 2010

The Examiner says that the Sheriff may have arrested a tagger responsible for nearly a dozen incidents in the past three months in El Granada and Moss Beach.

Zach Ayers, 28, of Moss Beach, was busted Sunday after surveillance video allegedly caught him tagging a truck, according to the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Owen Yoch arrested Ayers on two felony and nine misdemeanor charges, authorities said. He allegedly used the tags “GAZ,” “SIC,” “FONZ,” “WOR,” “MBK” and “WAX,” they said.

MROSD seeks public input on access to Mt. Umunhum

Video by David Schwaderer, June 2009
Press release

By on Wed, September 22, 2010

The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District is holding the first of two public meetings to share information and solicit input as it begins planning for environmental restoration and public access to the summit of Mt. Umunhum.

When: Thursday, September 30, 2010
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Where: United Methodist Church
111 Church St.
Los Gatos, CA 95030 (map)

The District acquired Mt. Umunhum, the second-highest peak in the Santa Cruz Mountains, in 1986 when it purchased the 44-acre former Almaden Air Force Station and surrounding lands from the United States Government. Prior to transferring the property to the District, the Department of Defense acknowledged that the site, which had been intensely developed with nearly 90 structures, underground conduit tunnels, and interconnecting pipelines, was contaminated due to past defense activities.  While the extent of contamination was unknown, the Department of Defense assured the District that the federal government would decontaminate the site.

Unfortunately, more than 20 years after the District’s purchase, not much has happened. The Army Corps of Engineers conducted limited cleanup but at a painfully slow pace. Much remains to be done at a cleanup cost of $11 million.

“The long term goal is for Mt. Umunhum to become one of the Bay Area’s most breathtaking public destinations” said Open Space District General Manager Steve Abbors . “Gathering the public’s input is a crucial first step in this process.”

With views as far as Monterey Bay, Mt. Umunhum is special to the military personnel and their families who were stationed there, as well as the local Ohlone people. Santa Clara Valley residents know Mt. Umunhum as a local landmark topped by a large cement radar tower that is visible for miles.  More details about the project can be found at

Pacifica’s Fog Fest, Sat & Sun


By on Wed, September 22, 2010

The Pacifica ("Pacific Coast") Fog Fest is Saturday and Sunday, September 25 & 26 from 10pm to 6pm Saturday and Sunday along Palmetto Ave from Shoreview Ave to Montecito Ave [map and details]. The parade starts at 10am Saturday on Palmetto Ave.

Coastside Video is featuring a video of scenes of last year’s event.

Weather service warns hot weather is coming to the Coastside

By on Wed, September 22, 2010

The National Weather Service forecasts hot weather for the week beginning Thursday:

Much warmer weather is forecast for the end of the week into next week. Although it is a few days away…Confidence is increasing that temperatures will soar into the 90s and lower 100s for many inland spots for the first half of next week. Hot weather also appears likely at the coast where 80s could be widespread. This much warmer weather may facilitate heat advisories and potentially watches and warnings.


Supervisor Gordon’s Coastside office hours, Thursday, Sept 23

By on Fri, September 17, 2010

Supervisor Rich Gordon’s office is holding its monthly Coastside office hours on Thursday, September 23 from 10am until noon at the Sheriff’s Coastside Substation in Moss Beach.

Sheriff’s report, Sept 15


By on Fri, September 17, 2010

No car break-ins this week. Three cars were stopped for vehicle code violations in Moss Beach in a single night and found to contain drugs.  A escapee from Log Cabin Detention Facility was captured. Survivors of a boat crash called from a highway call box. A car stolen from Half Moon Bay was recovered in Pescadero. And much more.

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