Comments by Kevin Barron
December 21, 2010
"Long lines at the polls lead to voters leaving without voting and this undermines American democracy."
Maybe if 3/4 of the voters educated themselves on the candidates/initiatives BEFORE they saunter up to the ballot box, and not spend 40 minutes reading Prop XYZ for the first time on election day...
November 24, 2010
A desire to replicate Newport Beach... really?
Big Wave footprint:
Come on Barry, let's at least be level on this...
November 24, 2010
"ignorance, apathy, and the desire for a self-centered yuppie lifestyle"
November 22, 2010
Q. Curious if this is such a dangerous area, why do we allow ANY development there, moreover be freaking out that everyone in the zone is not mitigating the danger? Why is this only being brought up because of this project? This rhetoric is about anti-big Wave, and I see little or no proactive effort for the existing folks there... given the armchair tsunami expertise that has arisen on the coast?
A. The only danger here is NIMBY.
November 17, 2010
Isn't there more 'productive' and actual 'actionable' outcomes that the MCC can generate, other than spinning wheels to opine on Big Wave? Work on getting crosswalks for kids in Moss Beach, and so forth...
MCC is starting to resemble the SF Boards of Supes more and more via empty resolutions.
November 15, 2010
"Apparently the Chamber of Commerce thinks that somehow this project is going to be the magic bullet that turns HMB into a tourist Mecca that enriches all local businesses. " How so? I haven't seen them claim that. But I'm not on the coastal media/gov't pulse 24/7. "Giant" ..."unnecessary"... WOW. Curious what you think of Obama giving $300,000 to study yoga's affect upon hot flashes, in the alleged "stimulus"? Who's paying for that? Guessing the median landscaping work is "saving" a handful of jobs.
November 12, 2010
"rumored to have been involved in the secret high energy sonar experiments that were believed to kill porpoises and whales"
were there "black helicopters" hovering about, as well as mysterious contrails?
October 06, 2010
Lordy Woren... just switch to satellite, or get a library card.
September 23, 2010
"the Sheriff may have arrested a tagger"
Actually, I think they DID arrest him as your article states later "Deputy Owen Yoch arrested Ayers on two felony and nine misdemeanor charges".
September 14, 2010
Given he was wearing a hat with a hybrid pirate/raider on his head, suprised no one took that literally...
September 13, 2010
More Carmel, less Pacifica...
September 07, 2010
>And not to be pedantic
Darin... "pedantic" ...really? Thesaurus gone awry...
>I’ve seen on the coast with even the smallest dent or speck of mud on it. That has to be worth something
Then you never caught ours, which never saw the south side of wax much less a hose...
but I get your post... via berate the yuppies vs. the Toyota H1s of the world that are keepin' it real...
September 02, 2010
>>more likely to cause AT&T to make the necessary investment Frankly, you are asking AT&T to sink a ton of money in a subscriber base that is very small, and require a very expensive infrastructure investment w/ predictably inverse return. .85Mbps is not enough???? Maybe ya'll can try dial-up and relive the 16K-56K US Robotics drops when the phone rings.... Ahhh, the aged-old the coast hates growth, but expects the services and infrastructure of Manhattan. As an AT&T shareholder... nevermind.
August 31, 2010
>>I wanted to know if this was legal and from what I have gathered I suppose it is. It is VERY legal. In fact, the term for those checkpoints are becoming more commonly known as "driver's license checkpoints". For every 1 DUI cited at the checkpoints there are roughly 30-60 people cited for driving without a license. A new flavor of traffic fatalities has been on the rise, as 20% of all traffic fatalities in California involve an unlicensed driver. Convenient to throw out the "illegal immigrant"…
August 10, 2010
Congrats to Mr O'Keefe. Serving his country well. Not to mention on PHAT pension on the taxpayers into perpetuity.
July 30, 2010
"electronic monitoring devices, and burglary tools"
Sounds like a police scanner, and your garden variety 'locksmithery'. Looks like they were semi-pros and might be the crew that was responsible for the string of car break ins.
July 14, 2010
"Over the past 30 years, according to county records, when incumbent supervisors run, approximately 50 percent of the time they are not even challenged. Worse yet, 86 percent of the time when incumbent supervisors run they face no competition or only token competition from protest candidates who rarely even mount a hint of a political campaign." So do "we" think that eliminating at-large elections will solve the above problem? I doubt it highly, regardless of my opinion that I agree with the movement…
July 14, 2010
'helping a Cantonese woman '
Whu? Asking as a somewhat versed 3rd generation San Franciscan... can't find the "Catonese woman" in this vid. Given Shirley went to Cal, lives in SF, runs a San Francisco tour company, and knows these parts better than 90% of the locals. Wasn't she born in like... Alemeda vs Guangzhou??? jus' askin'... bad spin.
June 25, 2010
June 21, 2010
Solid points... but I'd like to amend your Open Letter, as I believe it's missing the one kuhunaginormousitcallyfragilistic one.... distribution MCTV says "MCTV can be seen on the cable system". The cable system? Really? Genericsm in it's finest moment. The non-prescriptiveness is paramount to the fact that most of us don't even get MCTV... Unless, there's a way to get it on DirecTV, Dish, AT&T, Comcast, local airwaves, or the option of two soup cans and some twine from a treehouse it is NOT serving…
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