Comments by Kevin Barron

If you have an un-neutered male dog, please keep him on the leash

June 10, 2010
Bear spray... and make no hesitation to use it. It's better than pepper spray, as it has larger area of coverage and shoots much farther. Warn out that you are going to use it, but that should serve as only a gesture, and do not worry about providing enough ample warning. The law requires the leash, your protection should not be a consequence in failure to comply. REI sells a few varieties in the $20-50 range.

NO on 16! do you know what you are voting for?

June 01, 2010
Patricia!... easy CAPTAIN CAPS LOCK. You have some well thought out points, but the ebb and flow of scriptive yelling makes your points come across a bit hysterical. prop 16 will not pass in california. done. there has been enough time to educate and provide transparency across major newspapers like the san francisco chronicle and los angeles times, and orange county register. spread that word (and feel free to borrow some of my unused caps for your next post ;) /kevin

Coastsider endorses Measure E

May 28, 2010
>>Republicans are more likely to vote against any increase in taxes at any time for any reason. Democrats are more likely vote for any increase in education/social funding at any time for any reason (see California Ballot Box budgeting ad nauseum). Given that less than 30% of the Cabrillo Unified District (HS-CAB0) registered voters are Republicans, this should be a landslide, no? I'll be shocked if this passes. >>People who don’t or won’t try to understand where the money is going will still…

Coastsider endorses Measure E

May 21, 2010
Republicans have a couple of big primaries on the ballot and they’re going to be turning out in large numbers. Huh... what does that mean?! Is that stereotypical fearmongering? If so, be sure to throw in some Tea Party reference as well...

Open letter to Planning Director Jim Eggemeyer: We’re losing patience with your secrecy on Big Wave

May 07, 2010
>>The history of CEQA is full of examples of inadequate, incomplete, and otherwise flawed EIR’s in which lead agencies (in this case the County) tried to short-cut, subvert, or avoid following the law Not going to go on a rant, but many folk feel CEQA, CCC et al have way overstepped their original charter to begin with, and like most big government, embellishing more problems that require governance, thusly justify their funding, growth, et al. Frankly, the CCC needs to be sued more often than…

Open letter to Planning Director Jim Eggemeyer: We’re losing patience with your secrecy on Big Wave

May 06, 2010
"through its typical planning department incompetence and ingrained collusion with developers, is both failing to disclose major environmental impacts and proposing little if anything to mitigate them. Is that a violation of CEQA? You tell us. " No. I believe they are underway w/ filing an EIR. Granted not to your liking, but legally nonetheless. "planning department incompetence and ingrained collusion with developers" Tell us how you REALLY feel...

Open letter to Planning Director Jim Eggemeyer: We’re losing patience with your secrecy on Big Wave

April 30, 2010
>>Rather, it is an open example of poor government. Ah yes... the coastside and it's affectionate interaction with the County in it's finest hour. Have any laws/statutes/policies been broken yet? Just curious.

Coastsider adds current traffic conditions

April 28, 2010
>>you might want to turn off your cell phone when you drive. A private outfit is tracking your phone’s continuously broadcast unique ID and selling the data commercially. That’s how Google Maps shows traffic data Whoa, whoa... easy there. Google Maps - Traffic uses DOT sensors on major thoroughfares (ie 101, 280, etc). For smaller roadways, they use the mobile phones of users who've installed Google Maps via the "My Location" feature enabled. Mobile GoogleMaps users can disable that feature,…

San Mateo County Deprives Unincorporated Midcoast of Federal Stimulus Funding

April 26, 2010
In thinking about the rough math... the midcoast probably contributes about 1% of the tax revenue. No surprise, since we pretty much don't allow new business anymore, or housing. So I'm curious percentage-wise, how much was requested on our behalf, as well as requested by local agencies (water districts, et al), and the reward thereof on the $300M that SMC has been awarded thus far. Looks like North Peninsula was en fuego on getting the funds. [wow, $300M and we got about 20 jobs out of it... that's…

San Mateo County Deprives Unincorporated Midcoast of Federal Stimulus Funding

April 26, 2010
Ahem, so back on topic...MCC, cartoons, TeaParty namecalling, links to whatever... sophomoric digression in it's finest hour. The premise set forth by the OP was the county neglecting the coastside regarding "stimulus funds" (hee hee). Thanks for the link David on what's been awarded, but... Anyone have any idea/notion on my prior question of do we know where/what the county applied for? vs. just awarded? Did anyone on the coast apply for ANY money? I see Cabrillo Unified got a cool $1M... last I…

San Mateo County Deprives Unincorporated Midcoast of Federal Stimulus Funding

April 23, 2010
"They apply for no Federal Stimulus money for Moss Beach (and other Midcoast communities), while applying for, and receiving, significant funding for Half Moon Bay, Menlo Park, Pacifica and others." Regardless, the "stimulus" has been a proven bust, but beside the point. David... where on the sham of a "Recovery" site does is say how much the county APPLIED for? I only see how and where the funds were rewarded. Maybe they asked President Barry for a new Ocean Blvd and denied... Can you provide us…

San Mateo County Grapples With Economic Fallout: NPR Interviews Supervisor Rich Gordon

April 14, 2010
Good story, but let's also call a spade a spade here. It's beyond dismissive to blame Wall St, not to mention Anna Eshoo's (much less everyone's) ommission of FORCING many banks to take the TARP money when they didn't need it (on our tax dime via "let's play bank over-regulation"), and NOT allowing them to pay it back ASAP (see Wells Fargo, BB&T, et al/ad-naseum). Then say it's Lehman who is compromising little Billy's education. Claiming to lose $150M against a nearly $2B budget. And paaaaaaaaaa-lease…

Civil rights group to speak on legality of county’s at-large elections, Weds Apr 7

March 31, 2010
Barry... "advantage the GOP" vs "more equitable for the GOP" we can debate til the cows come home. What if just Texas did it? When Californian representation is unfavorable, and if you consider any swing towards equity as an "advantage"... we need to agree/disagree here. States have the power. What I do know, and assume you would agree upon, neither party provides the deserved attention towards our sullen state of California. One has the vote locked, so they don't need to bother, and the other doesn't…

Civil rights group to speak on legality of county’s at-large elections, Weds Apr 7

March 31, 2010
"California Voting Rights Act" good step in the right direction. next stop: we get California out of the 19th century and adopt the Congressional District Methodology at a minimum... until then, it's a farce and in the pockets of the DNC. talk about underrepresentation...

Woman drowns after being knocked down by wave at Sharp Park Beach

March 30, 2010
>>Better still, keep your dog on a leash at the beach. Or off the beach entirely. Uh oh, bring on the anti/pro dog argument. It's party time.

Woman drowns after being knocked down by wave at Sharp Park Beach

March 29, 2010
Having gone through this personally at Montara Beach... never ever go after to save a dog in a rogue wave scenario. They are FAR better swimmers, usually survive and muster quite well in these situtations.

Big Wave developers are responding to the DEIR comments themselves due to lack of funding

March 26, 2010
Thank you Barry, that's a bit clearer. However, that's not the developer's problem. Where's the accountability on poor planning by the agencies, commissions, and regulatory bodies to not accomodate for this? Simplified, but frankly, this also proves that the monstrosity of what's become with EIRs that are in-over-their-heads, and their requirements thereof that are beyond out of control... but that's for another day/time/thread.

Photo: Baby snakes!

March 26, 2010
Hard to tell from the pic, but there's not enough pattern for it to be a Garter, and/or at least an SF Garter. Eatern Garters can be more monchromatic (striping aside). But again, these are babies, put I vaguely recall Frank Zappa telling us they were pink, and come out at night.

Big Wave developers are responding to the DEIR comments themselves due to lack of funding

March 26, 2010
Per John Lynch : "This hain’t the way government is posed to work." What is the gov't doing wrong? All I see here is a vehement anti-Big Waver saying they are "collaborating" upon responses to the 245 comments (90% of which all read the same, IMHO)? And what's this transparency thing I keep hearing, and not seeing... oh what, I'm not supposed to see it. At least at the Federal level.

Photo: Baby snakes!

March 25, 2010
I'm sure they're leveraging the wet weather of late. They could also be Chaparral Whipsnakes or your garden variety California Striped Racer. But I'm no ophiologist. I just used to catch these guys left & right as a kid in these parts, replete with securing them (or lack thereof) in confines much to my mother's ill-fated encounters. FYI: snakes aren't big on Oreo cookies.

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