Half Moon Bay International Marathon, Sept 25
We are in the process of planning for the inaugural Half Moon Bay International Marathon, to be held on September 25, 2011. We are building this event from the ground up to be a first-class event, which we believe will grow into one of the premiere destination races in the world. With 26.2 miles of coastal running beauty and perfect weather conditions in September, coupled with our proximity to San Francisco, the wine country and more, we expect we are creating another event like the Big Sur Marathon, which is one of the top draws each year. You can see the full website at http://halfmoonbayim.org.
We are also very focused on the Green aspects of the event here at the outset. We have enlisted (and paid) the organizations Athletes for a Fit Planet, and the Council for Responsible Sport to work with us to earn their certification, and are taking all aspects of this into account. Our Green page is at http://halfmoonbayim.org/index.php/green.
We are also a 501(c)(3) company, created solely for the purpose of sponsoring a recurring, beneficial event for our Coastside environment.
We are asking local businesses to partner with us and have sponsorship available at many levels. Although this first event is limited to 500 total runners it will certainly grow and there will be benefits to sponsoring from the inaugural event .
Please feel free to email me to receive more information: Amanda Hall, ahall@halfmoonbayim.org