Comments by Kevin Barron

Whole Foods CEO John Mackey & Kathryn Slater Carter agree on Healthcare

August 31, 2009
Darin... the Obama colored lenses still shine bright. Al Gore the fraud, and Yassar Arafat the terrorist both have Nobel Prizes. The Cunha Lit Club Creative Writer Prize carries more credibility than what has become of the Nobel. Alfred rolls in his grave yearly. Darin... Yassar Arafat... you're going to defend that? Nobels mean as much as Grammies these days. Back to Sabrina's tirade... and your rhetoric on Montara Fog...where you mention "Sabrina calmly" (brought up an issue that has ZERO to do…

Whole Foods CEO John Mackey & Kathryn Slater Carter agree on Healthcare

August 31, 2009
[never post through a Crackberry] Jonathan, it wasn’t my economic take, unless you meant the other Kevin. I’d never of pulled that out. Nationalized healthcare is far too easy to shoot holes through as it is. Besides a $239B price tag is nothing in this current administration. Speaking of… Krugman is the Fox Financial Channel of the left… nice quote.

Whole Foods CEO John Mackey & Kathryn Slater Carter agree on Healthcare

August 31, 2009
Jonathan, it wasn't my economic take, unless you meant the other Kevin. I'd never off pulled that out. Nationalized is too easy to shoot holes through. Besides A $239B price tag is nothing in this current administration. Speaking of... Krugman is the Fox Financial Channel of the left... nice quote.

Whole Foods CEO John Mackey & Kathryn Slater Carter agree on Healthcare

August 31, 2009
BTW, fix social security first, then I might trust the gov't with a nationalized healthcare program for all. Last I checked, my IRA (despite the "collapse of the capitalist model" that occurred this past year) has CONTINUALLY outperformed social security.... and that includes a number of months in all-cash.

Whole Foods CEO John Mackey & Kathryn Slater Carter agree on Healthcare

August 31, 2009
Neil, current GDP is ~$14T. So it's actually closer to 250%, and not 300% of GDP. I noticed Kevin is referring to the present value of that figure, so it's the future cost (discounted to reflect the time value of money... so maybe closer to 300% come to think of it). He was correct, and using to make a current value relative to a future time. Ah, the seminal "industrialized countries" do it better rhetoric. Yeah, none of "those industrialized countries" have populuations in the neighborhood of 300+million…

Schwarzenegger’s line-item veto threatens food for Coastside seniors

August 13, 2009
This article is about volunteering for senior coastsiders, but compelling how the title is about a knock on the governor. Huh? Pick a lane...

Coastside beaches to be closed in budget deal

July 21, 2009
Maybe ppl will start to learn that voting yes and any/every "feel good" proposition with $100M+ price tags, will bounce the proverbial checkbook. Maybe we can borrow a page out of the Wash DC rulebook... just run the park system through the deficit (shoot, tha pesky statehood makes it impossible). And a shocker (sarcasm) to see a bunch of Republican name-calling and Schwarzenegger this-and-that in this thread/website. Lest you forget, the state legislature is going on it's 40th year in a row of Democrat…

Moss Beach Park bathroom one big step closer

June 24, 2009
Epic Carl May... Bathrooms in city parks... is anti-zero population growth. Bad. Voodoo.

Letter: Conflict at the MCC

June 24, 2009
MCC... where have you been????

Letter: Why did MWSD appeal lawsuit?

May 14, 2009
lemmings in the midst of a long post = name calling & out of line... yet a headline of "wing-nut" is fair game. got it. just want to be clear and point out the rules of engagement in these parts.

SFWeekly says HMB bonds would be ‘Vampire Bonds’

May 13, 2009
Mr May, I'd need approval from 3 commissions, 2 permits, months of public hearings, $50K in impact reports, $25K in legal fees to combat NIMBYism, and personal time to counter the typical posturing by old bitter coastal armchair blowhards in order to just be able "sling cerebral cement" against any wall in these parts.

SFWeekly says HMB bonds would be ‘Vampire Bonds’

May 12, 2009
A classic case of environmentalism setting up so many "trip wires" they eventually back into one of their own. Kaboom! While Sand Hill capitalists are underwriting the life insurance policies.

MCC trails meeting, Wednesday

May 12, 2009
Rock On! (pun intended)

CalTrans update on Tunnels and other Hwy 1 issues, at MCC Wednesday

March 03, 2009
It was a great presentation by the way. Kudos on the whole project. But there's some folly in this article and a bit on the MCCs part, via "Other Hwy 1 issues"... an engineer/spokesperson showed up and gave a great presentation on the **tunnel**... (Barry, if you could... I'd like to bold that even more, and increase the font size, and make it fire engine red) ...then the poor guy got a bit boondoggled on turn lanes into the Montara Lighthouse, puddles at the 1/92 intersection, bike lanes, and so…

Supervisor Gordon will be at MCC to speak on Midcoast representation, Weds

January 20, 2009
Vince... well put, and apology accepted. I was at the meeting, as I attend many others, and was a gasp of the circus it was, and allowed to be. And... hey, don't knock Facebook... *everybody's* doing it ;-) Come in, the water's fine...

Supervisor Gordon will be at MCC to speak on Midcoast representation, Weds

January 20, 2009
>>However, Six Degrees of Kevin Barron is a much more difficult game. I'd hope so.

Supervisor Gordon unmoved by our requests to choose our representatives

January 20, 2009
Onward... actually Barry, I saw/heard more supporters for the County's proposal than against! How was that? Well, most took their time to make it about Ric and their personal grievances against Gordon/SMC, and not the actual proposal. I took notes. I would have to say VERY FEW took exception to the county's decision, but took the opportunity to turn into a circus, or a "RicStock Festival".... which I thought was NOT the point of the decision. Anyways, here's my notes on the meeting (the only part…

Supervisor Gordon unmoved by our requests to choose our representatives

January 20, 2009
Sorry Barry... I draw from Merriam-Webster whose definition 1 reads as: 1 a: not having the mind or feelings engaged But provided your explanation, I agree with you wholeheartedly.

Supervisor Gordon will be at MCC to speak on Midcoast representation, Weds

January 20, 2009
I'm not sure which is the more of a juvenile retort... this here high school homecoming of banal discourse... it's a tie amongst the sophomore class! "Please, someone with a demonstrable facility in the use of the English language and who attended the meeting, mentally as well as physically, provide a synopsis of the meeting. Ken Johnson" " Vince Williams: ... like the failed attempt by, Kevin Bacon above" You disagree, and it comes to that?? Vince, curious if you hemmed-and-hawed for 45 minutes…

Supervisor Gordon unmoved by our requests to choose our representatives

January 20, 2009
Disinterest???????? Huh? Since when does an opposing view point come across as "disinterest". Please post the definition... otherwise, it was quite the opposite. Because Darin Boville supports limited multi-board powers... his opinion is castigated as "disinterest"? I don't recall Darin saying nor posting he was disinterested in the matter. Quite the opposite. Darin is passionate and concerned, and should be subject to this "broad brush" yet typical painting of "not caring" a la 'disintrested'. Moreover,…

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