Comments by Kevin Barron
January 18, 2010
A noble effort by all, but I'd like to point out there are entities out there that will match your donation, including by not limited to for the PUBLIC. I also am aware of two SF large financial firms that are matching donations 2:1. So keep in mind to maximize your donations... takes a little extra work but ask around.
Here's's web page on donations:
January 15, 2010
"I think we’ll all learn something about’s editorial position."
Joel, it wasn't blatantly clear enough before?
January 14, 2010
"climate change deniers are cackling" Hmmmmm. Nice choice of wording. Any chance you can write an unbiased summation? Actually, they aren't "deniers", most folks on the other side of the debate (and yes it's still a debate) trust the science, just not the scientists. Many feel as the "facts" get cooked and bent, one number is for sure ...the dollar amount. The emails confirmed publicly what many already had surmised what was going on. Not trying to open the can of worms up here, but your sentence…
January 12, 2010
>>That’s not democracy as I understand it. We’re a colony of the Bayside. True, as we're not in a local bicameral government, so populous representation rules. >>You also assume that a district-elected board would have five members. There’s no reason it couldn’t have nine or eleven. Indeed, but there's no reason why we shouldn't redistrict the whole state. Fat chance on either. >>Finally, no one’s saying that district elections will solve the county’s governance problems. District elections…
January 12, 2010
"During the last 40 years only one Coastside resident has been elected Supervisor." So that comes to roughly 2.6% of the time, a Coastsider is elected to a Supe position. Given the coastside's population represents about 3% of the County, what's the problem? Regardless, I think at-large is doomed. The argument that each supervisor should have to campaign countywide so they can think countywide is folly. Why even have "representative" Districts then? Especially when only 20% of the outcome is influenced…
January 08, 2010
"I don’t agree with your assumptions." That's fine. "A young persons life has profoundly changed. Your comments are flippant given the seriousness of the accident." Last I checked the topic of the piece wasn't about a young person's life. It's about crossing the highway, and my choice to counter some of the nanny-state proposals within are completely in order. So please don't exploit the tragedy, because you disagree with me. What next, you'll find a way to pull out the race card?! "Sarcastic comments…
January 08, 2010
Always liked Lisa for the most part. Shame to see her go after 4 years. Curious if she'll be replacing Ron Miguel ;-P
January 07, 2010
"There’s a growing understanding that people who live in flood plains and barrier islands should not be allowed to use (often public) insurance money to rebuild on disaster-prone (or even temporary) land. Why shouldn’t this apply to property where (1) erosion is historic and inevitable, (2) other public and private landowners face huge expenses and loss of their own property as a result?" Kinda like the $32,000,000,000 (or whatever final figure ended up) JUST to fix the levies in New Orleans…
January 04, 2010
Leonard, can I come to your place of work, observe...moreover ASSUME, then publicly post my summation thereof? I'll be sure to throw in a few "looks around, decides, “yeah, there’s a problem”." and "Stand around for half an hour discussing something" and "Leave for half an hour to an hour" (which was it,... 30 min or 60 min?, I'll be sure to have my stopwatch in tow with you), and bookended by "wastes time" and "dawdled for so long". I do appreciate (and agree) on the undergrounding of power…
December 24, 2009
" the recent past there was a proposal to build 3 houses on West Portal overlooking the marsh ... POST has purchased this property and perhaps we have one less ill conceived development project to worry about?" Maybe I'm missing something here, but when did three houses become "ill-conceived" development? Brings to curiousity what Coastal Planning Utopia looks like for many. Most likely, an indefinite moratorium on building permits on the Coastside with the support of gov't agencies A-Z. Replete…
December 24, 2009
Checkout the new California Climate Adaptation Strategy: Yowza! A state agency in charge to advise (read as: spend more money) other agencies where to spend money on "climate change" (read as: cooked fearmongering data). That's right, I forgot the Governor gave us the "San Francisco Airport underwater" doomsday devastation scenario. Then he went to Copenhagen trying ressurect his political career (or lack thereof) a la Jimmy Carter and Al Gore.…
December 18, 2009
Hey, I'm just actually glad to see an actual infrastructure project happen ...given the disasterous fraud which was Obama and Pelosi/Reid's "shovel-ready" stimulus package, or lack thereof. Too bad there wasn't a 9-hole course with a Trader Joe's adjacent...
December 15, 2009
"...between the two Big Wave parcels, at the concrete headwalls where the drainage culverts pass under Airport St. to the marsh, the walking path swings out to the road and narrows to 4 ft wide to make room for the walkway, the road is narrowed leaving 12 ft in each direction for vehicles and bikes together with an unforgiving K rail edge.culvert area, with five sand-filled crash barrels at the leading edge of the K rail On the east side of Airport St., same K rail and crash barrels, but no protected…
December 14, 2009
Deb Wong writes: "Know that those big metal machines can KILL YOU if you get in their way. Be a defensive pedestrian or cyclist, and teach your children to be the same. Act as if those drivers don’t see you…..... becuase sometimes, they don’t." I'm thinking about the last handful or so Highway 1 pedestrian fatalities... I'm going to safely aassume the majority would of still occurred despite the opportunity for safer passage (nee crosswalks lit up like xmas trees and/or stoplights). "Dramatically…
December 11, 2009
Shocker... (sarcasm) that the CCC recommended a NO vote. Anything less would of been as hypocritical as Al Gore not flying commercial in coach. I noticed in the Dep Dir's Report a letter from a resident of ~50 years, whom 10+ years ago followed the appropriate protocol via permits and such to build, and frankly will be left only to sue if the LCP moves forward. I'm curious if there's "nothing to see here", or if once again, no-growthers and NIMBYism is setting legal 'trip wires' for themselves to…
December 10, 2009
"Mind you, I’m a dreamer and I know it but I would dearly love to see an underpass in Moss Beach" Does sound like the best idea Todd, cost aside, as it doesn't disrupt traffic and is much safer than a crosswalk. Crosswalks aren't a utopian solution (rear-end accidents, and fatalities still occur under the pedestrian assumption of replete safety). A basic underpass in Moss Beach would run about $500K to $1M (drainage a consideration of sorts), and would take years (given the coast's armchair quarterbacking…
December 10, 2009
"100 people have been injured by car accidents along Highway 1" Indeed, but let's stay focused on pedestrian injuries vs. general traffic accidents. Rhetoric on reducing traffic speeds and the like is a bit overkill. Last year, I believe 8 people were killed by Caltrain. This, after millions of dollars in overpasses, infrastructure, and education were spent to avoid just such fatalities. Guess they didn't spend enough. Crosswalks are a great idea, but let's be careful of a nanny state (given some…
October 27, 2009
This is pampas-grass graffiti within feet of a Marine Reserve boundary.
But when it's peace, love and Jerry, man... right on, bro. (sarcasm)
An eye sore. What next, we'll push a motion to follow South City, with a big sign that reads "Half Moon Bay, The Pumpkin City"? No wait, ignore that....
October 19, 2009
CUSD has so much to worry about as it is, perhaps head lice policies for the offended families should be treated as paramount, over budgets, test scores, truancy, agendas, talent pool, decaying infrastructure, day-to-day wherewithall, and that pesky morning drop off. However, me thinks had this been the OPs offspring rec'ving lice from an un-quarantined child (which by the way, many of us have seen occur from children being let back into the classroom too soon), the "reverse armchair quarterbacking…
October 13, 2009
>>Not only does it impose needless misery and expense
Reminds us of global warming hysteria... and that "science" ballyhoo.
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